Cốc Cốc AI Chat: Your Vietnamese all-knowing browser assistant
Get accurate information, need creative ideas or simply find a friend to talk to? Just tell Cốc Cốc AI Chat.

Ask Cốc Cốc AI Chat anything you need
AI Chat GPT-3.5 on Cốc Cốc can offer practical assistance with things that you don't even expect.
Try some interesting prompts below!
Create your meal plan
Act as your shopping assistant
Plan your workout routine
Provide personalized recommendations
Get entertainment recommendations
Search for solutions, advice
Help with school work
Generate creative ideas
Prepare for interview
Summarize books, long articles
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How to ask Cốc Cốc AI Chat for better answer
The more precisely you ask, the better AI Chatbot of Cốc Cốc answers
What are some philosophical theories about the meaning of life?
More focused and specific prompt generates more relevant response to your needs.
What is the meaning of life?
Broad and vague prompt may generate unclear response.
Who is the most popular singer in Vietnam in 2020?
Prompt with detailed context generates more accurate response.
Who is the most popular singer?
Prompt with no context may generate inaccurate or inadequate answer.
Which is the highest mountain in the world?
Prompt that are more objective generates more proper response.
Which is the most beautiful mountain?
Prompt that are subjective may generate biased response.

Talk to Cốc Cốc AI Chat right on the sidebar
02 points to access
Cốc Cốc AI Chat
Tap the AI Chat icon in the shortcut section on the new tab page.
Address bar
Tap the address bar, then tap the AI Chat icon in the search suggestions.