Explore Cốc Cốc Search features
Cốc Cốc search engine focuses on developing Vertical search features, helping you search faster and get more accurate results for popular topics in Vietnam.
Cốc Cốc Edu is an online portal which provides free online study tools and materials for Vietnamese students from grades 1 to 12.
Graduation grades
Look up the test score results of the National High School Graduation Examination by Candidate ID and view the score spectrums by Year of exam, Province/City, and Exam subject.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: diem thi thpt
University hub
Look up enrollment information of Universities - Colleges that match your criteria by Province/City, Type, Major, Exam subject group, Score range, or University name, University code. Besides, you can also view the University admission regulations.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: truong dai hoc
Exam preparation materials
Download mock tests with answers for 15 subjects in National High School Graduation Exam, namely Math, Literature, English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, Civic Education, German, Japanese, Korean, French, Russian, Chinese.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: tai lieu on thi
Homework solver
Help students from grades 1 to 12 find detailed solutions to exercises in textbooks and reference books (including updates for the new textbooks) by Grade, Subject, Book title, Lesson/Page. Thanks to that, students can self study anytime, anywhere.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: giai bai tap
Video tutor
Help school students from grades 1 to 12 find online lecture videos by Grade, Subject, Book title, Lesson/Page to review knowledge, do exercises, or preview new lessons at home.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: video gia su
Enter the calculation and get quick result. Easily solve basic and advanced mathematical operations such as factorial, exponentiation, root, trigonometry or logarithm.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: may tinh
Solve 7 types of general Chemistry exercises with detailed results and solutions complete like Complete the reactions or Balance chemical equations. Besides, you can also view Periodic table to look up information more conveniently while doing exercises.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: hoa hoc
Unit converter
Convert 20 types of units of measurements in Math, Physics and daily life. To convert units, select the base quantity, input unit, output unit, and then insert a numeric value.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: chuyen doi don vi, inch sang cm
Translate text in 80 languages in the world, with the ability to automatically detect input language and provide translation in the language of your choice. The length of the text to be translated is no more than 1,000 characters.
Look up online English - Vietnamese dictionary to see pronunciations, definitions, examples, and common grammatical structures of English words and phrases. Diverse vocabulary, no need for memory consuming installation.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: tu dien
Spell check
Check for Vietnamese spelling errors and suggest corrections with detailed explanations. The length of the text to be spellchecked is no more than 1,000 characters.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: kiem tra chinh ta
Travel & entertainment
You want to go out, or just want to chill at home? Wherever you are, Cốc Cốc Search always have the suggestions ready to help you make your plans easily.
Find flight tickets with the cheapest prices and best flight routes to anywhere in the world by Departure, Destination, Flight date, Flight class, and Flight type.
Eearch keyword in Vietnamese: ve may bay
Find accommodations across Vietnam by Destination, Number of guests, Check-in and Check-out date. Easy to select suitable accomodations using filters, including Review ratings, Price range, Distance to the center, Facilities and Brands.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: khach san
Find food and beverage establishments across Vietnam by Location, Cuisine, Rating scores, Michelin star, Price, Opening hours, Occasion and Facilities. Besides, you can also view photos, detailed reviews, information and menu of each restaurant.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: nha hang
See 14-day weather forecast with details about Temperature, Humidity, Wind speed, Rainfall, Chance of rain, Air quality. View hourly forecast for the nearest 3 days and general forecast by night, morning, afternoon, evening for the next 11 days.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: thoi tiet
Look up over 350,000 recipes with ingredients, making directions and serving instructions. To find suitable recipes for your needs, select filter by filter, including Course menu, Cuisine, Ingredients, Cooking methods, Occasion and Purposes.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: cong thuc nau an
View the list of now-showing, upcoming movies and the nearest cinemas. Find showtime in the next 5 days, filter by format, subtitle or dubbing and see ticket prices, promotions (if any). No need to visit each cinema's website to find tickets.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: phim chieu rap
Find movies, TV series of more than 20 different genres to watch online. View synopsis, director, cast and rating score of each movie.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: phim
Find anime movies to watch online by Release status, Genre, Season and Production year. Additionally, you can also view introduction information and rating score for each anime.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: anime
Find manga comics to read online by Name, Release status, Genre, and Language. Additionally, you can also view introduction information and rating score for each manga.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: manga
Update the latest news about the hottest footbal matches and championships. Follow your favorite team with match timeline, match result, video highlights, fixtures, standings, top assists and scorers of ongoing tournaments.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: bong da
Information lookup
The internet has it all, but what you search for cannot always be found. Cốc Cốc Search creates easy-to-use lookup filters for you to get accurate results in one search.
Quickly look up information on the National public service portal, including Guide to Online public services, Information and services for Citizens, Information and services for Businesses, Online payments, Administrative procedures and FAQs.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: dich vu cong
Public figures
Search comprehensive, official information, including biography profile, news and historical documents about Vietnam's influential people in the fields of Politics, National Defense - Security, Culture, Education, Science - Technology, Health.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: ho chi minh
Get financial news updates. Convert fiat, crypto currencies and see exchange rate history. Look up bank savings interest rates, gold prices, petrol prices. View stock prices and market indexes.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: tai chinh, doi tien te, usd sang vnd, tien ao, co phieu, gia vang
Find job opportunities across recruitment sites by Job position/Company name, City/Province, Location types, Qualifications, Salary range. View Employment handbook, CV templates, Salary guide. Use Gross - Net salary, Personal Income Tax calculator.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: tim viec lam
Lunar calendar
Look up lunar - solar dates and important holidays in lunar calendar. View Auspicious - Inauspicous hour, Bad luck - Good fortune, Auspicious - Inauspicious star, Auspicious departure time on each day and Prayer speech on important holiday.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: am lich
Lunar horoscope
See overview predictions about work, love, health and other aspects based on lunar zodiac signs. Enter your solar birthday and gender to read Today's horoscope, This year's horoscope, Lifetime's horoscope and Compatible ages for new year's first caller.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: tu vi
Zodiac horoscope
See overview predictions about health, family, career, love and other aspects based on astrological signs. Enter your solar birthday to read Today's horoscope, This month's horoscope, This year's horoscope, and Personality of the zodiac signs.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: cung hoang dao
Look up the lotteries results in real time or on selected date, including Regional lotteries (Northern region, Central region, Southern region) and Vietlott Lottery (Mega 6/45, Max 4D, Max 3D, Power 6/55).
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: xo so
View Vietnam's map and easily look up local point of interests, for example, restaurants, cafes, petrol stations, ATMs and banks, convenience stores or hotels. See detailed information and reviews for each location. Easily add missing locations or suggest location edit.
Smart search
With AI-integrated solutions, Cốc Cốc Search brings you all the answers you need in the world faster and more conveniently.
AI Chat
Talk about any topics, generate ideas, create content and do so much more with the assistance of AI Chat on Cốc Cốc browser. This tool is trained on GPT-3.5, data from Cốc Cốc Search and optimized to generate answers in Vietnamese.
*Beta feature
AI Answer Box
Get quick answer from AI and save time on your search. Cốc Cốc AI can summarize information and generate automatic answer for some of your queries. This feature is supported by information from OpenAI and combined with the large language model (LLM) developed by Cốc Cốc.
*Beta feature
Other features
Besides vertical search features, Cốc Cốc also provides the settings that allow you to personalize and optimize your search experience.
Cốc Cốc Account
Log in to the search engine to save your settings and earn points - exchange gifts with Cốc Cốc Points when using our search features.
Cốc Cốc Points
Complete daily search missions on Cốc Cốc browser to earn Cốc Cốc Points and exchange gifts or join interesting games with rewards. Click Account icon at the top right corner of the search page to start earning points now.
Add the extension to the browser to set your default search engine and new tab page to Cốc Cốc. Get quicker and more accurate search results for Vietnamese topics. Edit shortcuts, personalize the new tab page with background images of beautiful Vietnam or your uploaded image.
Safe search
Help you avoid exposure to adult content when you search. When this feature is enabled, inappropriate images, videos, and web pages will be filtered out on the search results page. Simply click the Settings icon at the top right corner and turn on Safe search (Tìm kiếm an toàn).
Verify website
Easily recognize official websites of companies, organizations via the Green tick icon next to the links of the search results. Feel more assured when accessing these search results for reference.
Decorate Cốc Cốc Search's logo with Doodles following the themes of special occasions to celebrate the cultural values and the people of Vietnam.
Background images
Personalize Cốc Cốc Search's homepage with curated background images of beautiful Vietnam, including Landscapes, Culture, Lifestyles, Arts and Cuisine. Just click Settings icon at the top right corner and select Background image.
Search console
Submit your sitemap and individual URLs directly to Cốc Cốc Search's index. View SEO instructions, including How Cốc Cốc Search works, How to optimize for Cốc Cốc Search, Handle website overload due to Cốc Cốc Robots, Robots.txt, Cốc Cốc Robots and Noindex directives.
Cốc Cốc Edu is an online portal which provides free online study tools and materials for Vietnamese students from grades 1 to 12.
Graduation grades
Look up the test score results of the National High School Graduation Examination by Candidate ID and view the score spectrums by Year of exam, Province/City, and Exam subject.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: diem thi thpt
University hub
Look up enrollment information of Universities - Colleges that match your criteria by Province/City, Type, Major, Exam subject group, Score range, or University name, University code. Besides, you can also view the University admission regulations.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: truong dai hoc
Exam preparation materials
Download mock tests with answers for 15 subjects in National High School Graduation Exam, namely Math, Literature, English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, Civic Education, German, Japanese, Korean, French, Russian, Chinese.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: tai lieu on thi
Homework solver
Help students from grades 1 to 12 find detailed solutions to exercises in textbooks and reference books (including updates for the new textbooks) by Grade, Subject, Book title, Lesson/Page. Thanks to that, students can self study anytime, anywhere.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: giai bai tap
Video tutor
Help school students from grades 1 to 12 find online lecture videos by Grade, Subject, Book title, Lesson/Page to review knowledge, do exercises, or preview new lessons at home.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: video gia su
Enter the calculation and get quick result. Easily solve basic and advanced mathematical operations such as factorial, exponentiation, root, trigonometry or logarithm.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: may tinh
Solve 7 types of general Chemistry exercises with detailed results and solutions complete like Complete the reactions or Balance chemical equations. Besides, you can also view Periodic table to look up information more conveniently while doing exercises.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: hoa hoc
Unit converter
Convert 20 types of units of measurements in Math, Physics and daily life. To convert units, select the base quantity, input unit, output unit, and then insert a numeric value.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: chuyen doi don vi, inch sang cm
Translate text in 80 languages in the world, with the ability to automatically detect input language and provide translation in the language of your choice. The length of the text to be translated is no more than 1,000 characters.
Look up online English - Vietnamese dictionary to see pronunciations, definitions, examples, and common grammatical structures of English words and phrases. Diverse vocabulary, no need for memory consuming installation.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: tu dien
Spell check
Check for Vietnamese spelling errors and suggest corrections with detailed explanations. The length of the text to be spellchecked is no more than 1,000 characters.
Enter search keyword in Vietnamese: kiem tra chinh ta
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